Overcoming Data Migration Challenges to Cloud Using AI and Machine Learning: Techniques, Tools, and Best Practices


  • Munivel Devan Compunnel Inc, USA Author
  • Lavanya Shanmugam Tata Consultancy Services, USA Author
  • Chandrashekar Althati Medalogix, USA Author


Cloud Migration, Data Migration, Artificial Intelligence (AI)


On-site-to-cloud companies handle data expansion. Data migration might reduce advantages of the cloud. Variability in data; security; less downtime; expense. Find out how artificial intelligence and machine learning might affect data movement. ML/AI could improve data safety, cloud migration, and transfer. Problems with data transportation for cloud implementation. Examined is data heterogeneity in on-site system designs and architectures. Data problems of duplicity and inconsistency were fixed. Furthermore underlined is safe cloud data transport. Research migration issues with an eye on fast backup and data transfer. Minimise cloud expenses and bandwidth. The study addresses artificial intelligence and machine learning after an overview of data transport problems. We investigate pre-defined criteria-based automatic data classification in supervised learning systems. This gathers important information and optimizes the utilization of transportation resources. Using unsupervised learning, quality and repair of data transformation algorithms are investigated. Protection of relocated data comes via automated repetition, anomaly, and consistency repairs. 

Priorities in data governance during cloud migration include security and compliance. This study implies artificial intelligence and machine learning might improve data governance. Foretell data flow security concerns using anomaly detection and other techniques. Data access and authorization under AI help to strengthen cloud security. Beyond categorization, transformation, and governance, AI and machine learning advance cloud migration. Depending on bandwidth, volume, and cost, reinforcement learning algorithms may choose the ideal data transmission paths. Simple cloud data moves help to minimize downtime. Then evaluated are the AI-powered data search, categorization, and transfer technologies of AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. Promising third-party AI and machine learning migration options from professionals include These solutions increase security, simplify data transmission, and maximize cloud use. Program for data transmission Case studies in AI and ML enhance theory. From September 2021 academic and business publications, these pertinent case studies Case studies will highlight the advantages and lessons learned from artificial intelligence and machine learning data migration solutions.


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How to Cite

Munivel Devan, Lavanya Shanmugam, and Chandrashekar Althati, “Overcoming Data Migration Challenges to Cloud Using AI and Machine Learning: Techniques, Tools, and Best Practices”, Aus. J. of Machine Learning Res. & App., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 1–37, Jul. 2021, Accessed: Mar. 14, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://ajmlra.org/index.php/publication/article/view/20