Scalable Machine Learning Workflows in Data Warehousing: Automating Model Training and Deployment with AI


  • Sareen Kumar Rachakatla Lead Developer, Intercontinental Exchange Holdings, Inc., Atlanta, USA Author
  • Prabu Ravichandran Sr. Data Architect, Amazon Web services, Inc., Raleigh, USA Author
  • Jeshwanth Reddy Machireddy Sr. Software Developer, Kforce INC, Wisconsin, USA Author


scalable machine learning workflows, data warehousing


Data warehousing nowadays involves enormous dataset analysis and scalable machine learning. Automation of model training and deployment in large data sets using AI improves scalability and efficiency. Machine learning (ML) models are challenging to integrate with data warehousing systems, which evaluate enormous volumes of data from various sources. Data context performance, fluid transmission, and complex model training are difficult. 

Many variables affect data warehouse ML scalability. Study automates model training using AutoML/CI/CD. Data-driven strategies train and enhance models. Algorithm and hyperparameter choices speed up AutoML model training and insight. Manage data warehousing-ML models. Versioning, batch processing, and real-time inference are deployment layers. Big data warehouses with high data volumes and speeds necessitate quick model deployment.


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How to Cite

Sareen Kumar Rachakatla, Prabu Ravichandran, and Jeshwanth Reddy Machireddy, “Scalable Machine Learning Workflows in Data Warehousing: Automating Model Training and Deployment with AI”, Aus. J. of Machine Learning Res. & App., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 262–286, Jul. 2022, Accessed: Mar. 14, 2025. [Online]. Available: